Compact Chart:
Karl Walta

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Johann Moses
Thomas II Kulhavy
Compact Chart: I13732Compact Chart: I13772
Johann Walta
Johann Ludwig Moses
Compact Chart: I13608 Paul Moses
1807-1874 ‎(67)‎
Compact Chart: I16008 Anna Kulhavy
Compact Chart: I14861Compact Chart: I13648Compact Chart: I13563Compact Chart: I13773
Anna Polaczek
1757-1791 ‎(34)‎
Anna Pospischil
Wilhelm Walta
1844-1924 ‎(79)‎
Compact Chart: I15148 Karl Walta
1886-1967 ‎(80)‎
Compact Chart: I15149
Anna Moses
1844-1922 ‎(78)‎
 Compact Chart: I15135Compact Chart: I13564
Paul Provaznik
1721-1783 ‎(62)‎
Johann Tuschek
1726-1808 ‎(82)‎
Compact Chart: I13794Compact Chart: I13787
Marie Friesel Fryzl
Georg Provaznik
1769-1855 ‎(86)‎
Compact Chart: I14131 Ester Provaznik
1810-1885 ‎(75)‎
Compact Chart: I14132 Marie Tuschek
1769-1841 ‎(71)‎
Compact Chart: I13795Compact Chart: I13788
Elisabeth Kupec
1733-1800 ‎(67)‎
Lidmila Luisa Jirsak

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